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Shell Oil Company


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Shell Oil Company
Working to Achieve Energy Security.

We are a global group of energy and petrochemical companies, operating in more than 130 countries and territories, employing more than 108,000 people.

Shell’s presence in the United States dates back nearly 100 years, first as a Pacific Coast gasoline marketer and Midwest oil producer. Today, Shell is a leading oil and gas producer in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, a recognized pioneer in oil and gas exploration and production technology and one of America’s leading oil and natural gas producers, gasoline and natural gas marketers and petrochemical manufacturers. We operate in 50 states and employ more than 22,000 people delivering energy differently than we did 100 years ago, or 50 years ago, because technology has moved us forward in innovative ways.

Technological Achievements
Technology is essential to meeting the world’s energy needs. For more than 100 years, Shell has been a key player in innovation and is pushing the limits of what is technically feasible to locate and extract energy resources from increasingly difficult locations.

During our early years in the United States, we achieved several records such as running the country’s first modern, continuous-process refinery as well the nation’s most productive oil field in terms of barrels per acre. The opening in 1931 of the Shell Point synthetic ammonia plant near Pittsburgh, California, marked the world’s first plant to use natural gas to make ammonia. In 1941, Shell scientists made a history-shaping discovery by inventing a way to synthesize the 100-octane gasoline needed for a new generation of aviation engines used in World War II.

Today, we are operating at the forefront of deepwater technology in the Gulf of Mexico and the extraction of tight gas from the Pinedale field in Wyoming.

What we do
Exploration & Production
Our Exploration & Production business searches for and recovers oil and natural gas around the world and is active in more than 39 countries. The majority of these activities are carried out as joint venture partnerships.

Gas & Power
Our Gas & Power business liquefies and transports natural gas and develops natural gas markets and related infrastructure. It also markets and trades natural gas and electricity and converts natural gas to liquids to provide clean fuels. A number of new opportunities are also emerging to apply our proprietary coal gasification process.

Oil Products

The Oil Products organization comprises a number of different downstream businesses, which include Manufacturing, Supply and Distribution, Retail, Business to Business and Lubricants. Collectively, these businesses refine, supply, trade and ship crude oil products around the world and market fuels and lubricants for domestic, industrial and transportation use.

Our chemicals companies produce and sell petrochemicals to industrial customers globally. The products are widely used in plastics, coatings and detergents, which in turn are used in products such as fibers and textiles, thermal and electrical insulation, medical equipment and sterile supplies, computers, lighter, more efficient vehicles and paints.

Other industry segments

In the United States, our renewable wind energy capacity has grown to 634 megawatts (Shell share 317 MW). Hydrogen develops business opportunities in hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Shell aims to develop at least one alternative energy source into a substantial business. Our CO2 group coordinates research into carbon dioxide capture and storage.

How we work
We are committed to the Shell core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people and adhering to the spirit and letter of the Shell General Business Principles. These principles are based on our core values that indicate how we promote trust, openness, teamwork and professionalism and pride in what we do, including compliance with laws of the countries in which we operate.

The core values and the Shell General Business Principles are a part of the Shell Code of Conduct, which apply to all our business affairs and describe the behavior expected of every employee. We need the trust and confidence of the individuals and groups of people who depend upon us and with whom we do business.

Our Commitment to Sustainable Development
The energy challenge facing the world is formidable: deliver much more energy; keep supplies secure; and reduce energy’s environmental and social impacts. Shell believes that operating responsibly in line with society’s expectations is key to meeting this energy challenge and our long-term success. Shell business strategies in the United States are rooted firmly in its commitment to contribute to sustainable development.

Our commitment to community and social responsibility has been in place for more than 50 years with nearly a half billion in contributions to support community health and welfare, arts and cultural activities and various educational initiatives, including minority education and diversity and inclusiveness programs in Houston and in the United States.

We continually look for ways to reduce the environmental impact of our operations, products and services and are working with partners to safeguard the environment. In the United States, Shell is involved in the protection of the unique ecosystem of coastal Louisiana and has partnered with several local and national groups such as America’s Wetland Campaign working to preserve the state's natural assets.
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